
Celebrating a father’s birthday can bring out many emotions and thoughts, especially for adult children. Most of us get to experience our father for a long period of our lives, from being Daddy’s little one through to Dad seeming somehow smaller. For each of us, those days in between say a lot about how both we and our fathers matured and learned along the way, and what has stayed at our core.

Every family has tough times and good times, and each person has moments of weakness and excellence. Birthdays are a natural moment in time to reflect, maybe forgive, and hopefully appreciate.

I believe that each man wants to be a good father. There are men who become fathers and struggle in the role, and there are men who never become fathers. But given the chance to be a good father, I believe that each man wants that as part of his life — to be part of a family which he helped create, nurture and protect.



I have been fortunate to have my father be a big and positive part of my life. He has been a part of my school years, my marriage, my careers, and my own family. We love each other dearly, and we both know that.

One of my father’s philosophies is that things will work out.  When I was younger I misunderstood his confidence for him not wanting to delve into the details of my life. But now that I am older, I see that his confidence in things working out had vital and powerful forces helping it become true: we all kept trying hard and being kind.

The phrase “things working out” can have a different meaning for everyone.  If we are fortunate, “things working out” has little to do with things we buy or tasks we work on, but instead revolve around the knowledge that we are loved. After everything in life has been boiled off we want to be part of a family or community that helps each other, and cares about each other.

For every man who has confidence that things will work out, you have the core of a good father.

[Return to the home page of MakingMoreOfToday.com.]

Posted on 30 Oct 2009 In: Health, life, Style

Going through life on an angle

One of my favorite people is a friend who challenges himself in many fun and interesting ways. Whether it is acting on the local stage, shooting video, or leaning into the wind on a motorcycle or sailboat, this is a person who participates in life.

He is also a very caring person, and works as the videographer for a hospital — a role in which he sees many of the poignant and challenging moments of family and personal life. He takes people’s concerns very seriously, but is also quick with a smile. He cares about people and knows that being friendly and considerate goes a long way to making people’s lives better.

Whenever I see him he greets me exuberantly with a smile and a hug, and I feel very much a part of the joy of the moment. He is a true friend and I am very appreciative of his presence in my life.

Because I know him well, I also see how he tries hard through his own times of pain and challenges — to keep moving — and that makes me respect him even more.

He told me recently that his aging dog often needs to be let in and out of the house, and so he installed a doggy door. A family member warned him that “skinny drug users” might take advantage of the doggy door — a thought and image that made my friend laugh, and resulted in a promise that he himself would test the door!

So the latest time we gathered at my friend’s house he showed us the doggy door, and almost before we knew it he was on the floor and out through that little hole. “The trick,” he said, “is going through on an angle.”

As any engineer or child will tell you, if you want to move forward you’ve got lean forward. We do it every day when we walk, which is actually controlled leaning. Standing still means standing straight up. Moving means leaning, and leaning means being on an angle and a bit off balance.

We can’t all fit through doggy doors or ride motorcycles, but there are lots of things that each of us can lean into — that we can learn and share and do — to make lives better, for us and others.

through-the-doggy-door-part-1 through-the-doggy-door
Going through life on an angle. You have to lean into life to move forward.

[Return to the home page of MakingMoreOfToday.com.]

Posted on 30 Oct 2009 In: Health, Natural

Blood Clot Causes

A blood clot causes concern because the most common type of both stroke and heart attack is ischemic disease and that’s caused by a blood clot.  Over 300,000 people in North America die each year from stroke. Another 700,000 die each year from heart attack.  Damage occurs when the blood clot reduces – and then totally blocks – circulation in an artery. The tissue nourished by that artery begins to die almost immediately.

The nature of blood clots
A blood clot causes a seal for a leak of the blood vessel is injured so many people consider Blood clots a miracle when they occur in the right place at the right time. What happens is when a blood vessel is injured it sends out chemical distress signals that cause platelets to seal the leak. Platelets are small, white cells that are normally very slippery. They become sticky when the lining of the blood vessel (the endothelium) is damaged.

1. The endothelium sends chemical messages to the platelets.
2. The platelets send chemical messages to attract fibrin proteins.
3. Fibrin proteins are like string that becomes very sticky and ties the groups of platelets together. This is an immature or “white” blood clot.

If the leak is not sealed by this “white” clot, larger red blood cells are tied to the platelets by fibrin to form a “red” clot.

Blood clots in the wrong place – at the wrong time
A Blood clot causes problems when these clots happen in the wrong place at the wrong time. For example, one probable cause of migraine headaches is inappropriate communication between blood vessels and platelets. If a single blood vessel cramps or spasms it can signal platelets to become so sticky that they restrict circulation in the rest of the brain. Ischemic strokes and heart attacks are often caused by mature red clots breaking free of the injured area and blocking arteries in the heart or brain.

Interestingly, a blood clot causes blockages that can occur in any area of the body. For instance, a person can have a “stroke” that injures the lungs or kidneys. Deep vein thrombosis in the legs is the exact same kind of vascular disease that causes stroke or heart attack.

The key to preventing damage is to make sure that the clots form only when and where they are supposed to. This is only possible with accurate communication between the endothelium in the blood vessels and the clotting mechanisms in the red blood cells, platelets and fibrin. Simple nutrients can have profound effects on improving this communication – and I make several suggestions later in this report.

Working smarter, not harder
A blood causes a person to have a stroke when the blood vessels, platelets and fibrin are getting the message to clot in the wrong place at the wrong time and blood thinners force platelets and fibrin to ignore clotting signals from the endothelium.  When a person is having a stroke these drugs are life-saving because  One new class of drugs triggers the release of nitric oxide to open the blood vessels. Nitric oxide also helps the blood vessels, platelets and fibrin proteins communicate clearly. To prevent blood vessel miscommunication in the first place, high nitric oxide levels are needed.

Nitric oxide is made from nitrogen; nitrogen comes from fruits and vegetables. Eating up to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day will make your clotting system very smart! Plant-based foods have been proven to improve your health – including the health of your circulatory system.

Smart nutrients

Adaptogen 10 Plus®
Dr. Nathan Bryan, cardiologist and specialist in nitric oxide communication, recommends Adaptogen 10 Plus to help increase nitric oxide. Adaptogen 10 Plus also helps protect against stress. Stress alone – without any help from cholesterol – causes blood vessel spasms which may result in blood clots. So, a good first step in improving the health of your circulatory system is to eat your fruits and vegetables every day and take whole-food supplements like Adaptogen 10 Plus.

Essential fatty acids such as those in OmegaPrime can help keep the platelets from getting sticky at the wrong time. Dr. Dwight Lundell, cardiologist and specialist in bypass surgery, recommends the Omega-3 EFA in OmegaPrime as a prime tool to help protect against inappropriate clotting. We need 1–4 grams of Omega-3 every day (2–6 OmegaPrime soft gels).

HCY Guard®
Dr. Kilmer McCully, cardiologist and specialist in vascular health, recommends the protective nutrients found in HCY Guard to help your body reduce homocysteine (HCY). HCY is one culprit in forming clots at the wrong place and time. Taking a single HCY Guard sublingual lozenge daily can help your body reduce homocysteine up to 35% – in as little as 42 days!

Other nutrients such as Vitamin E, turmeric and ginger, and Vitamin C all provide information for your blood clotting system to work smarter. Smart nutrients are the key to making good decisions about where and when to activate this miraculous system!

Nopalea also helps to reduce blood clots.  Nopalea is TriVita’s breakthrough wellness drink.  Nopalea is based on the Nopal fruit from the Sonoran Desert, rich in betalains.  Betalains are natural antioxidants—and they’re only found in a few of the world’s plants, and the Nopal fruit isn’t just included in this small group of special plants, it actually leads the group by containing one of the highest amounts of betalains in all of nature.

When you drink Nopalea, you take these betalains into your system, where they begin to restore your vitality on a cellular level. By helping the body reduce the toxins surrounding your cells and enabling essential nutrients to reach each cell, the betalains in Nopalea can reduce the inflammation in your body that leads to disease.  Scientific research shows that betalains help to reduce the risk of blood clots.  Betalains protect the thin lining of your blood vessels; this helps reduce the inflammation that makes your blood sticky and leads to clots.

A blood clot causes concerns but when you eat right and take control of your health, then the blood clot is there at the right time in the right place where it’s needed.

Take Control of Your Health

* Eat the appropriate servings of fruits and vegetables daily:
o 5 servings for children
o 7 servings for women
o 9 servings for men
* Exercise at least 30 minutes most days.
* Take Healthy Aging Pack smart nutrients
o With HCY Guard if homocysteine is an issue.
o Add Adaptogen 10 Plus if stress is an issue.
* Drink Nopalea and Thrive!

* Remember, call 9-1-1 if you suspect you are having a stroke!

If you’re interested in high quality nutritional supplements like the ones mentioned on my blog, you can to go to: www.havingplenty.com.

And if you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.trivitacactus.info.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176

What is Homocysteine?  Homocysteine (HCY) is a tool used by your body to modify protein. Specifically, homocysteine carves up the amino acid methionine into smaller amino acids. Each of these amino acids has important functions. The “leftovers” from this construction project are not thrown away. Instead, your body recombines the debris back into methionine again.

Methionine is the protein that serves as the foundation for all other proteins. It’s like concrete: You can build a small cottage or a large skyscraper on the same concrete foundation. You can build brain cells, heart cells, bone cells, and healthy cells for your entire body on the protein methionine. Homocysteine is responsible for crafting that foundation. While homocysteine is an excellent tool for your body, too much of it can be fatal.

That’s why many people are concerned about their homocysteine levels and what many people may not realize is, it’s in the genes.  There is a common gene defect among people in North America. It is called an MTHFR defect. It allows homocysteine to escape into the bloodstream and literally shred your arteries, causing a stroke; tangle your brain cells causing Alzheimer’s disease; shatter your bones causing osteoporosis; and inflame your heart, causing a heart attack.

Another common genetic defect is MTHFD. It allows homocysteine to run amok inside your cells. This can lead to cell mutations and even cancer.

So what if you check your homocysteine levels and you find out it may be a problem.  Is there a solution?  Supplemental nutrition is very effective in most cases. TriVita’s HCY Guard® was designed specifically for high HCY. One study on TriVita’s HCY Guard found that HCY levels could be reduced by 35% in just 6 weeks!

In fact, if people have a problem with their homocysteine levels, they may not realize it can be caused by genetics but it can also be caused by poor nutrition. When a person has an active genetic defect they require intense nutrition to offset the imbalance caused by the gene mutation.

Vital amines such as the Riboflavin family of B vitamins combine with antioxidants to help reduce the activity of cellular homocysteine. One study found that the specific antioxidant ECGC (the antioxidant found in green tea) stopped the trigger DNMT (an enzyme) from releasing homocysteine inside the cell. People consuming large amounts of ECGC have reduced DNMT and have fewer cases of cancer.

So are you at risk?  Is there a way to tell if you have one of these common disease risks? Yes; one way is to have a genetic test performed. This is usually done by drawing enough blood to collect DNA and submitting this to one of only a few labs in North America that can perform genetic testing. A second way is to have your homocysteine levels tested. This can be performed by most medical laboratories. Ask your doctor to do this test with your annual physical.

Another consideration when checking your homocysteine levels is to look at your own family tree. Does any “first-degree” relative (father, mother, brother, or sister) have any of the conditions attributed to homocysteine? If so, you likely have the gene defect. Does a “second-degree” relative (grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins) have any of the conditions attributed to homocysteine? If so, you may have the gene defect as well.

Did you know nutrient deficiencies can mimic a genetic defect by failing to provide the minimum amount of vital amines necessary to prevent elevated homocysteine? A poor diet, illness, pregnancy, aging, and stress can place you at risk for elevated HCY. Children and adults with asthma and irritable bowel syndrome are at high risk for elevated HCY.

So if you have your homocysteine levels checked and find that you need to lower it, you need to take this seriously.

High HCY in your blood is linked to serious illness. Helping your body reduce high HCY may greatly reduce your risk for serious illness. So what can you do?  Here are several things you can do to help:

* Eat fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants – 5 servings daily for children, 7 servings for women, and 9 servings for men.
* Reduce your stress load.
* Get at least 30 minutes of vigorous activity every day.
* Supplement your diet with nutrients such as TriVita’s HCY Guard and Energy Now!.
* Defeat stress by nurturing your spirit with healthy relationships and a healthy sense of purpose.

Remember, genes are not fate; you have as much control over your genes (through nutrients and nurturing) as they have over you. Build a healthy foundation for your future by balancing your homocysteine.

Take Control of Your Health

Be sure to have your homocysteine levels tested if:

  • You have a family history of:
    • Heart disease
    • Stroke
    • Alzheimer’s disease
    • Osteoporosis
    • Cancer
  • You experience gastric disturbances, breathing difficulties, or kidney issues
  • You are over 50
  • You are pregnant
  • You are experiencing high stress levels
  • You eat a poor diet
  • You don’t exercise regularly

If you’re interested in high quality nutritional supplements like the ones mentioned on my blog, you can to go to: www.havingplenty.com.

And if you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.roadmaptowishes.com.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176

Did you know that according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 40 million people in the United States suffer from chronic long-term sleep disorders each year and an additional 20 million people suffer occasional sleep problems. There are so many people seeking answers on how to get to sleep. Health experts recommend getting 7 1/2 to 9 hours of sleep each night. How much are you sleeping each night?

Sleep is very important to your body and your brain, and it’s not just trying to figure out how to get to sleep but how to remain sleeping. When we sleep cells must be replaced or repaired and the immune system and hormones are balanced.

Many people are seeking answers on how to get to sleep because they just want the comfort of waking up feeling refreshed but what you may not know is if you don’t get a good night’s sleep, it can lead to:

  • increased feelings of stress
  • impaired memory
  • shortened temper
  • lower motivation
  • slower reflexes
  • headaches
  • immune deficiencies
  • depression and even more serious
  • sleep deprivation that can lead to hallucinations and mental collapse.

So how to get to sleep? Well, there are several factors to consider.

The first is we need to have sleep rituals to start the events that will initiate sleep and you need to have nutrients to sustain the sleeping process and an appropriate environment.

I too had sleep problems and when I was researching how to get to sleep, I read that more than 100 years ago a Russian physician named Ivan Pavlov, who many of you know especially with the “Pavlov” response had discovered that our nervous system changes our entire metabolism in response to our habits. What does that mean when trying to figure out how to get to sleep? Well, your nervous system will recognize sleep rituals and begin preparing for sleep.

One of the key points on how to get to sleep is light control. A dark, quiet room is more conducive to sleep. If you don’t have that luxury, consider getting eye masks. Sudden, loud noises can also disrupt sleep. Consider getting one of the sound machines. Also, the ideal temperature is between 60-65°F.

Watch what you eat late evening. Make sure you don’t have too many stimulants like caffeine, and you want to exercise regularly but not too close to bed time.

Start establishing a ritual that your body will recognize. For example brushing your teeth at the same time each night, drinking a cup of herbal tea, taking a warm bath, reading a book. If you establish the same routine each night, you’ll start to set up the triggers letting your body know it’s time for sleep. Deep breathing exercises are especially helpful to foster deep sleep.

Another consideration when determining how to get to sleep is to take nutrients that will help you. All nutrients support sleep but two stand out when it comes to achieving and maintaining sleep. Magnesium and biotin. Magnesium relaxes our muscles and naturally turns down the adrenaline and Biotin stabilizes blood sugar and mobilizes protein, carbohydrate and fats for the restoring element of sleep.

Antioxidants such as CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10), Vitamin C and Vitamin E can also be helpful because it supports oxygen to your brain, heart and other tissues. Anti-stress botanical preparations called adaptogens can also be useful at bedtime. A friend of mine swears by it when he can’t sleep.

Find out more about how to get to sleep here and find out if you are getting enough sleep here.

If you’re interested in high quality nutritional supplements like the ones mentioned on my blog, especially more about Adaptogens, you can to go to: www.havingplenty.com.

And if you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.roadmaptowishes.com.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176

Posted on 30 Oct 2009 In: Health, Natural

Ideal Blood Pressure

Ideal Blood Pressure.  What is the ideal blood pressure and how can you achieve it?

Recently the ideal blood pressure changed.  The American Academy of Family Physicians and the Mayo Clinic issued new recommendations for ideal blood pressure: 115/75.

First let’s go over how blood pressure measurements are attained and then we’ll go over the ideal blood pressure.  We typically determine blood pressure measurements with two numbers.

The higher number, called the systolic pressure, represents the pressure in the artery when the heart beats. The lower number, called the diastolic pressure, represents the pressure when the heart is at rest. The ideal blood pressure is in the range of 120/80.

As mentioned, ideal blood pressure is somewhat lower. A key to ideal blood pressure is the ratio between the two numbers. They should remain at a 3:2 ratio whatever the actual pressure may be.

If your blood pressure is “ideal,” congratulations! Your hard work has paid off. If it is higher or lower than ideal, don’t worry: Most blood pressure problems can be solved with the right approach. Let’s dissect the common problems with blood pressure and see what we can learn about possible solutions so you can attain an ideal blood pressure.

Systolic too high
A healthy systolic number is 120. This number represents how hard your heart must beat to get blood out to your body. If your arteries are stiff, inflexible, inflamed or too narrow your heart will have to beat harder and this will create a higher systolic number. The most common cause of a high systolic number is too much adrenaline and other stress-related hormones in the bloodstream. These hormones have the effect of artificially narrowing your arteries in a “fight or flight” stress response.

Stress-induced high blood pressure will usually be seen with a high systolic number and a normal diastolic number such as 150/80. We will often see this number normalize with just 20 minutes of deep breathing. Try to incorporate that in your life so you can attain your ideal blood pressure.

Some people respond well to biofeedback and supplementation with:

  • Co-Q10, especially at bedtime to relax the heart
  • Vitamin C morning and evening to relax the blood vessels
  • Adaptogen 10 Plus morning and evening to help reduce the effects of stress

Both numbers too high
When both the systolic and diastolic numbers are high (160/110), the most common problem is inflammation leading to atherosclerosis or “hardening of the arteries.” This is a medical emergency; you should be under medical care as the disease has already progressed to the point where emergency measures are necessary. Dietary measures, such as the Dr. Dean Ornish “Reversing Heart Disease” diet, should be at the center of your self-care. Daily exercise, stress management and, very likely, medications will be needed to reverse this disease and get you on the path of achieving your ideal blood pressure.

An anti-inflammatory lifestyle will be helpful. Include supplements such as:

  • Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids from OmegaPrime at every meal to reduce inflammation
  • Vitamin C and Co-Q10 as suggested above
  • Betalains found in Nopalea can reduce inflammation in the blood vessels and help your body drain away the excess fluid associated with blood pressure

Achieving an optimal body fat percentage is also critical when caring for high blood pressure and attaining your ideal blood pressure. The target body composition for men is 14% body fat; for women it is 23%. Remember, this type of high blood pressure is a medical emergency and it should be treated as such.

Diastolic too high
When the bottom number in your blood pressure reading is too high (120/90), but the systolic or top number is normal, it can mean that your lungs, kidneys and liver are not properly detoxifying your body.

Detoxification is an automatic process; your body does it every moment of every day. You can help support this process by reducing your exposure to toxins and supporting your lungs, kidneys and liver with daily nutrition:

  • A multiple vitamin and mineral supplement to support healthy detoxification
  • Vitamin C – a powerful detoxifier for the lungs, kidneys and liver
  • Betalains found in Nopalea also drain away toxins

For more information on detoxification, listen to the audio books, “Body Systems 101” and “Healthy Aging.”

Too high, too long
Some people find that their blood pressure will not go down no matter what they do. This often happens because of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). With OSA, a person stops breathing during sleep. Sensing the shortage of oxygen, your brain increases blood pressure to compensate. These increases in blood pressure may last into the next day (you may awaken with high blood pressure that may go down by the evening). This type of hypertension will usually not respond to medication or alternative treatments.

Treatment for OSA begins with using a breathing machine called CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) during sleep. Using CPAP at night reduces blood pressure in most people – even those without serious OSA. Eventually, reducing your body fat to the percentages listed above will open your airways enough to compensate for OSA.

Hypertension will damage you. Eventually, it will kill you. Check your blood pressure frequently. Your body is speaking to you when your pressure is imbalanced. Learning to listen will help you feel better today and be healthier tomorrow and make it a goal to achieve your ideal blood pressure.

Take Control of Your Health

* Test your blood pressure every month
* Check your blood pressure at different times of the day
* Eat a low-fat diet
* Eat 7, 9 or more servings of vegetables and fruits daily
* Exercise for 30 minutes on most days of the week
* If you have high blood pressure, test for OSA

If you want high quality products, take a look at TriVita. Go to www.havingplenty.com, and if you’re interested in finding out more about Sonoran Bloom, call me on 718-407-0035.

If you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.roadmaptowishes.com.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176

Posted on 30 Oct 2009 In: Health, Natural

How to Cure Vertigo

How To Cure Vertigo – Is Your World is Spinning and You’re Looking to Make it Stop?

There are two times when your world will spin: When you are in love, and when you have vertigo! Since there is no cure for being in love, the information here will help you to figure out how to cure vertigo.

Benign vertigo
When people are seeking how to cure vertigo, they should know that vertigo is not usually a sign of a serious disease. It is typically transient (it comes and goes) and resolves on its own without medical care. The most common cause is an upper respiratory infection such as a sinus infection. So it’s probably a great relief to those seeking how to cure vertigo to find out it may be benign vertigo.  Most people who suffer with vertigo learn instinctively to sit up slowly and avoid quick movements of the head.

If benign vertigo is associated with allergies, Vitamin C is in my personal opinion an absolutely awesome antihistamine. Using the Vitamin C flush* will often bring relief from signs and symptoms of allergies. If the vertigo is associated with bronchial or sinus congestion, adding TriVita’s Breathe Easy formula to your supplement regimen can help.  So if you’re seeking how to cure vertigo, try some of these ideas and see if it will work for you.

Breathe Easy works by drying out excessive mucous, and thinning normal body fluids. This is important because one of the causes of vertigo is abnormal movement of the fluid and crystals in the inner ear.

Dangerous vertigo
Those seeking how to cure vertigo need also take into consideration that dizziness may also be a sign of serious trouble. It can follow a head trauma, or be a symptom of a tumor or clogged arteries in the head. Vertigo with hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) may be a symptom of Meniere’s disease. Don’t just look on the internet trying to find out how to cure vertigo – see your healthcare provider if vertigo persists.

Head trauma and clogged arteries require medical intervention. These conditions also require extra nutrients called antioxidants. An antioxidant is a special nutrient that reduces oxidation. Oxidation can be likened to rust in your blood vessels, brain and inner ear. One family of antioxidants has a special affinity for the tiny blood vessels in the frontal lobe of the brain, the inner ear and the eyes. These antioxidants are found in TriVita’s VisionGuard.

Another consideration for those seeking how to cure vertigo is that a certain type of tumor called an acoustic neuroma may cause vertigo. These are rare tumors, but the incidence of acoustic neuroma seems to increase with cell phone usage. The evidence for this link is weak but troubling. Certainly, we should take appropriate precautions when using cell phones while scientists further investigate the link between cell phones and acoustic neuromas.

Meniere’s disease
If you’re seeking how to cure vertigo and the above does not apply to you, an extremely persistent type of vertigo is Meniere’s disease. It is vertigo associated with ringing or buzzing in the ears (tinnitus) and hearing loss. Meniere’s is a progressive disease. Trauma, toxins, infections and other causes may trigger Meniere’s. Rapid medical intervention is needed to determine the exact cause of this condition. When the cause is removed the condition may improve.

Unfortunately, damaged nerves heal slowly. Vitamin B-12 may help speed the repair of damaged nerves. Certainly, the antioxidant remedies mentioned above may add to the health of the blood vessels in the inner ear.

Learning to listen
The English language contains over 400,000 words (though most of us use merely 15,000 to 35,000). Our bodies – wonderfully complex and intricate – have only a few dozen “words” in the form of signs and symptoms with which to “speak” to us. Vertigo is one form of communication that indicates distress. Don’t just try to find out on your own how to cure vertigo.  Always consult a qualified health professional that knows the language of the human body.

*Please check with your healthcare provider before starting the Vitamin C Flush.

Take Control of Your Health

* When seeking how to cure vertigo, if it’s associated with:
o Allergies – take Vitamin C
o Head cold – take Breathe Easy
o Circulation – take VisionGuard
o Meniere’s – take Vitamin B-12 plus all of the above

* Again – very important – when seeking how to cure vertigo, see your doctor to determine the cause of vertigo!

Learn More…

* Vertigo
* Acoustic Neuroma
* Meniere’s disease

If you want high quality products, take a look at TriVita. Go to www.havingplenty.com, and if you’re interested in finding out more about Sonoran Bloom, call me on 718-407-0035.

If you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.roadmaptowishes.com.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176

Nitric Oxide Supplements – Is it really a source of energy? There’s so much buzz about nitric oxide supplements and if you search on the internet you’ll see pros and cons and it’s difficult to sort and sift through all the information.  I recently received a wellness report from the Chief Science Officer in my company talking about nitrogen,  nitric oxide supplements and having real energy.

It’s interesting because everyone creates energy but not everyone feels energetic.  What’s the difference?  It means having the resources you need to accomplish whatever you want: to make your dreams come true, or for the smaller tasks of the day. Feeling energetic inspires optimism and healthy self-esteem. Feeling energetic makes you happy and gives you hope.  How does this tie into nitric oxide supplements?  That’s what I want to talk about and share with you great information that I received.

Did you know that real energy is more than just a passing mood? It’s a complex series of biochemical and electrical processes. In order for you to feel energetic your body must carry out a long series of interactions, very much like a long line of dominos falling over in the right sequence. Each transaction requires the energy from the previous domino, and donates energy to the next domino in line. The end result contributes to the way you feel and your ability to live the life of your dreams.

I know many of you are reading this and want to know how is the information that I am sharing with you have to do with nitric oxide supplements.  Well, when you get to know me you’ll see that I live to provide the full answer to your questions and it’s more than just saying oh, nitric oxide supplements are good for you.

The first step in the production of energy is eating the basic nutrients: sugars, proteins and fats. Sugars provide a rapid but brief donation of energy. Proteins donate five times more energy than sugar. Fats donate eight times more! These three nutrients make up the basis for energy production and the basis for your future wellness. This makes the selection of your foods very important, so choose them well.  Notice how I mention of foods.  You want to look at your diet in addition to nitric oxide supplements.

Now let’s get to nitric oxide supplements and what it means to you.  To make energy from protein we must first process it through the nitrogen cycle.  Did you know that the air we breathe is about 78 percent nitrogen?  Bacteria in the soil “fix” nitrogen into the earth to grow healthy plants (so does lightning). Fertilizers are mostly made of nitrogen. Without it, plants will not grow and humans cannot process protein; nitrogen is a very important basic building block of life.

We get nitrogen from eating fruits and vegetables. We can also get it from whole-food supplements such as Adaptogen 10 Plus, a fantastic product that also helps with stress. In our body, nitrogen is stable as nitrate and active as nitric oxide. Aha, you knew I was going to get to nitric oxide supplements.  Nitric oxide is probably the most important source of energy for the heart, vascular system and immune system. Nitric oxide interacts with CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) to produce energy inside each and every one of our body’s millions of cells. So CoQ-10 is a great nitric oxide supplement.  In fact, the death of each cell occurs because nitric oxide and CoQ-10 cannot balance the cell’s energy.  That’s how important nitric oxide supplements are to you.

We need about 50 to 65 grams of protein each day (about 1/3 gram of protein per pound of body weight). However, we can only digest about 25 grams at a time (the amount that fills the palm of your hand). One reason for this is that we have only a limited reservoir of nitrogen. As mentioned, we get nitrogen from eating fruits and vegetables, but, like many important nutrients, we cannot store it. Since processing protein will use up large amounts of available nitrogen, we need to replace it by eating more fruits and vegetables. So, if we want energy from protein, we simply must eat our fruits and vegetables.

Nitrogen is also manufactured by bacteria in the human body. So, this is why probiotics and enzymes are needed ? they also help convert protein into energy through the nitrogen cycle. TriVita’s Digestive Complex serves to encourage healthy bacteria in the gut for protein metabolism and increased energy.

There is a dark side to protein metabolism that’s found in a particular form of nitrogen: ammonia. Excess ammonia may be formed in our body and brain if we eat protein but do not have enough nitrogen to complete the energy process. This is often seen in people who experience bloating or uncomfortable fullness after a healthy, protein-rich meal. It may also be seen in those who experience excessive fatigue after a meal.

The remedy is to encourage protein digestion with probiotics (as found in Digestive Complex). We can also eat extra servings of fruit and vegetables. Plus, supplements can provide a lot of help. I would suggest one serving of Adaptogen 10 Plus and CoQ-10 at each meal until the fatigue eases and vibrant energy replaces it!

Want to take control of your health?  Don’t just take nitric oxide supplements.  Eat enough high-quality protein every day and eat nough nitrogen (fruits and vegetables) every day.  Try TriVita’s Adaptogen 10 Plus as a supplement and encourage healthy bacteria by eating fermented foods such as olives, kimchee, sauerkraut, yogurt, pickles and pickled mushrooms often and take probiotics.

If you want high quality products, take a look at TriVita. Go to www.havingplenty.com, and if you’re interested in finding out more about Sonoran Bloom, call me on 718-407-0035.

If you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.roadmaptowishes.com.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176


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