Did you know that according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 40 million people in the United States suffer from chronic long-term sleep disorders each year and an additional 20 million people suffer occasional sleep problems. There are so many people seeking answers on how to get to sleep. Health experts recommend getting 7 1/2 to 9 hours of sleep each night. How much are you sleeping each night?

Sleep is very important to your body and your brain, and it’s not just trying to figure out how to get to sleep but how to remain sleeping. When we sleep cells must be replaced or repaired and the immune system and hormones are balanced.

Many people are seeking answers on how to get to sleep because they just want the comfort of waking up feeling refreshed but what you may not know is if you don’t get a good night’s sleep, it can lead to:

  • increased feelings of stress
  • impaired memory
  • shortened temper
  • lower motivation
  • slower reflexes
  • headaches
  • immune deficiencies
  • depression and even more serious
  • sleep deprivation that can lead to hallucinations and mental collapse.

So how to get to sleep? Well, there are several factors to consider.

The first is we need to have sleep rituals to start the events that will initiate sleep and you need to have nutrients to sustain the sleeping process and an appropriate environment.

I too had sleep problems and when I was researching how to get to sleep, I read that more than 100 years ago a Russian physician named Ivan Pavlov, who many of you know especially with the “Pavlov” response had discovered that our nervous system changes our entire metabolism in response to our habits. What does that mean when trying to figure out how to get to sleep? Well, your nervous system will recognize sleep rituals and begin preparing for sleep.

One of the key points on how to get to sleep is light control. A dark, quiet room is more conducive to sleep. If you don’t have that luxury, consider getting eye masks. Sudden, loud noises can also disrupt sleep. Consider getting one of the sound machines. Also, the ideal temperature is between 60-65°F.

Watch what you eat late evening. Make sure you don’t have too many stimulants like caffeine, and you want to exercise regularly but not too close to bed time.

Start establishing a ritual that your body will recognize. For example brushing your teeth at the same time each night, drinking a cup of herbal tea, taking a warm bath, reading a book. If you establish the same routine each night, you’ll start to set up the triggers letting your body know it’s time for sleep. Deep breathing exercises are especially helpful to foster deep sleep.

Another consideration when determining how to get to sleep is to take nutrients that will help you. All nutrients support sleep but two stand out when it comes to achieving and maintaining sleep. Magnesium and biotin. Magnesium relaxes our muscles and naturally turns down the adrenaline and Biotin stabilizes blood sugar and mobilizes protein, carbohydrate and fats for the restoring element of sleep.

Antioxidants such as CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10), Vitamin C and Vitamin E can also be helpful because it supports oxygen to your brain, heart and other tissues. Anti-stress botanical preparations called adaptogens can also be useful at bedtime. A friend of mine swears by it when he can’t sleep.

Find out more about how to get to sleep here and find out if you are getting enough sleep here.

If you’re interested in high quality nutritional supplements like the ones mentioned on my blog, especially more about Adaptogens, you can to go to: www.havingplenty.com.

And if you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.roadmaptowishes.com.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176