A blood clot causes concern because the most common type of both stroke and heart attack is ischemic disease and that’s caused by a blood clot.  Over 300,000 people in North America die each year from stroke. Another 700,000 die each year from heart attack.  Damage occurs when the blood clot reduces – and then totally blocks – circulation in an artery. The tissue nourished by that artery begins to die almost immediately.

The nature of blood clots
A blood clot causes a seal for a leak of the blood vessel is injured so many people consider Blood clots a miracle when they occur in the right place at the right time. What happens is when a blood vessel is injured it sends out chemical distress signals that cause platelets to seal the leak. Platelets are small, white cells that are normally very slippery. They become sticky when the lining of the blood vessel (the endothelium) is damaged.

1. The endothelium sends chemical messages to the platelets.
2. The platelets send chemical messages to attract fibrin proteins.
3. Fibrin proteins are like string that becomes very sticky and ties the groups of platelets together. This is an immature or “white” blood clot.

If the leak is not sealed by this “white” clot, larger red blood cells are tied to the platelets by fibrin to form a “red” clot.

Blood clots in the wrong place – at the wrong time
A Blood clot causes problems when these clots happen in the wrong place at the wrong time. For example, one probable cause of migraine headaches is inappropriate communication between blood vessels and platelets. If a single blood vessel cramps or spasms it can signal platelets to become so sticky that they restrict circulation in the rest of the brain. Ischemic strokes and heart attacks are often caused by mature red clots breaking free of the injured area and blocking arteries in the heart or brain.

Interestingly, a blood clot causes blockages that can occur in any area of the body. For instance, a person can have a “stroke” that injures the lungs or kidneys. Deep vein thrombosis in the legs is the exact same kind of vascular disease that causes stroke or heart attack.

The key to preventing damage is to make sure that the clots form only when and where they are supposed to. This is only possible with accurate communication between the endothelium in the blood vessels and the clotting mechanisms in the red blood cells, platelets and fibrin. Simple nutrients can have profound effects on improving this communication – and I make several suggestions later in this report.

Working smarter, not harder
A blood causes a person to have a stroke when the blood vessels, platelets and fibrin are getting the message to clot in the wrong place at the wrong time and blood thinners force platelets and fibrin to ignore clotting signals from the endothelium.  When a person is having a stroke these drugs are life-saving because  One new class of drugs triggers the release of nitric oxide to open the blood vessels. Nitric oxide also helps the blood vessels, platelets and fibrin proteins communicate clearly. To prevent blood vessel miscommunication in the first place, high nitric oxide levels are needed.

Nitric oxide is made from nitrogen; nitrogen comes from fruits and vegetables. Eating up to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day will make your clotting system very smart! Plant-based foods have been proven to improve your health – including the health of your circulatory system.

Smart nutrients

Adaptogen 10 Plus®
Dr. Nathan Bryan, cardiologist and specialist in nitric oxide communication, recommends Adaptogen 10 Plus to help increase nitric oxide. Adaptogen 10 Plus also helps protect against stress. Stress alone – without any help from cholesterol – causes blood vessel spasms which may result in blood clots. So, a good first step in improving the health of your circulatory system is to eat your fruits and vegetables every day and take whole-food supplements like Adaptogen 10 Plus.

Essential fatty acids such as those in OmegaPrime can help keep the platelets from getting sticky at the wrong time. Dr. Dwight Lundell, cardiologist and specialist in bypass surgery, recommends the Omega-3 EFA in OmegaPrime as a prime tool to help protect against inappropriate clotting. We need 1–4 grams of Omega-3 every day (2–6 OmegaPrime soft gels).

HCY Guard®
Dr. Kilmer McCully, cardiologist and specialist in vascular health, recommends the protective nutrients found in HCY Guard to help your body reduce homocysteine (HCY). HCY is one culprit in forming clots at the wrong place and time. Taking a single HCY Guard sublingual lozenge daily can help your body reduce homocysteine up to 35% – in as little as 42 days!

Other nutrients such as Vitamin E, turmeric and ginger, and Vitamin C all provide information for your blood clotting system to work smarter. Smart nutrients are the key to making good decisions about where and when to activate this miraculous system!

Nopalea also helps to reduce blood clots.  Nopalea is TriVita’s breakthrough wellness drink.  Nopalea is based on the Nopal fruit from the Sonoran Desert, rich in betalains.  Betalains are natural antioxidants—and they’re only found in a few of the world’s plants, and the Nopal fruit isn’t just included in this small group of special plants, it actually leads the group by containing one of the highest amounts of betalains in all of nature.

When you drink Nopalea, you take these betalains into your system, where they begin to restore your vitality on a cellular level. By helping the body reduce the toxins surrounding your cells and enabling essential nutrients to reach each cell, the betalains in Nopalea can reduce the inflammation in your body that leads to disease.  Scientific research shows that betalains help to reduce the risk of blood clots.  Betalains protect the thin lining of your blood vessels; this helps reduce the inflammation that makes your blood sticky and leads to clots.

A blood clot causes concerns but when you eat right and take control of your health, then the blood clot is there at the right time in the right place where it’s needed.

Take Control of Your Health

* Eat the appropriate servings of fruits and vegetables daily:
o 5 servings for children
o 7 servings for women
o 9 servings for men
* Exercise at least 30 minutes most days.
* Take Healthy Aging Pack smart nutrients
o With HCY Guard if homocysteine is an issue.
o Add Adaptogen 10 Plus if stress is an issue.
* Drink Nopalea and Thrive!

* Remember, call 9-1-1 if you suspect you are having a stroke!

If you’re interested in high quality nutritional supplements like the ones mentioned on my blog, you can to go to: www.havingplenty.com.

And if you’re interested in being involved in a Wellness Opportunity, take a look at www.trivitacactus.info.

Wishing you much health and wellness


Katherine Smith
TriVita Independent Affiliate Member 13158176