Helloooo there everyone! I know, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Great to see you again!

Boy oh boy…I have a lot to share with you about my two and a half month hiatus from blogging, changes I’ve decided to make on my blog and how I blog, and also something that recently happened to me about three weeks ago that was extremely serious and quite scary; through which I learned some very valuable things. I guess you could say that because of this occurrence, it altered my perception about life on so many levels. I feel more humbled, more appreciative, and more aware.

But rather than share extensively on all these things within one blog post, I’ve decided to spread them over a period of several weeks, as not to overwhelm you with posts that are too long.

Also, I am happy to say that I made a reconnection with my creative muse. I know that much of this has to do with the experience that happened to me three weeks ago, but I also believe it has to do with the change of season because autumn seems to magically make me feel rejuvenated, renewed, and creatively titillated.

Last week I took out my camera (which had not been used in months) and decided to get snapping. And I couldn’t have picked a more perfect week because the leaves on the trees in the parks were just starting to make their boastfully colorful transformation.

Please enjoy my favorite season in all its splendor.


Have a faaaaaaaaabulous Monday y’all!