Research Shows Using Antibacterial Soap Is Cause for Concern. With winter and flu season drawing near, we become more aware of how we may help ourselves and our family prevent illness and avoid germs. We’ve been “taught” by the media and healthcare professionals alike, washing our hands with antibacterial soap is our best defense for warding off germs. However, research has uncovered alarming warnings on the use of such products. We felt it important to share.

Triclosan Research Points to Cause for Concern

Following various studies on the use of the toxic antibacterial agent triclosan in various consumer products, experts have recommended manufacturers remove this chemical from formulations as a precaution.

One expert, Elizabeth Salter Green, director of ChemTrust, has stated the chemical may not be safe to use at any level. She says under certain circumstances it can develop the ability to disrupt hormones.

Triclosan is found in many consumer products, including antibacterial soaps and body washes, toothpastes, and some cosmetics. However, triclosan is not benign. It’s a powerful chemical agent, known to cause cancer.

The FDA has reported it does not have at this time, evidence triclosan added to soaps and body washes provides any additional health benefit over soap and water.

Another alarming claim reported by the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, is that manufacturers of a number of triclosan-containing products, advertise to consumers the active ingredient (triclosan) will continue to work for as long as 12 hours after use! What does this mean? It means consumers are exposed to this toxic chemical for much longer than the handful of seconds it takes to wash their hands or face.

Since our skin is porous it was designed to be absorbent. It’s able to absorb whatever it comes in contact with. Habitual use of chemical-laden products allows the body to store these chemicals in body fat or even in the brain. When the body becomes overloaded with these accumulations of toxins, illness can occur.

In addition, a study done by the University of Florida found levels of triclosan were potentially damaging to the unborn fetus, if ingested by the carrying mother. One way it could be inadvertently ingested would be through the use of a toothpaste containing triclosan.

Scientists at the Universities of California and Colorado have released new research data suggesting triclosan could lead to impaired muscle function. Isaac Pessah, the professor who led the study said, “Triclosan is found in virtually everyone’s home and is pervasive in the environment. These findings provide strong evidence the chemical is of concern to both human and environmental health.

The experiments found, when in the presence of triclosan, normal communication of proteins controlling muscle movement was impaired, leading to skeletal and cardiac muscle failure. The dosages used of the antibacterial agent in the experiments, were matched to the levels found in the list of personal care products, to duplicate regular consumer use as much as possible.

Professor of cardiovascular medicine at UC Davis, Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, stated, “The effects of triclosan on cardiac function were really dramatic. Although triclosan is not regulated as a drug, this compound acts like a potent cardiac depressant in our models.”

The scientists went on to say, the experiments led researchers to believe exposure to triclosan in people with underlying heart failure, could have significant effects due to the chemical being so widely used. They did note, additional studies would need to be undertaken to provide conclusive evidence of this.

Professor Pessah went on to say, “We have shown triclosan potently impairs muscle functions by interfering with signaling between two proteins fundamentally important to life. Regulatory agencies should definitely be reconsidering whether it should be allowed in consumer products.”

Soap and water is an effective way to prevent germs.

Advertising messages are strong persuaders for consumers. Hearing the same messages over and over can lead consumers to believe something is the truth, or what is being advertised is safe to use. This is however, far from true.

The simple act of washing our hands with plain soap and water accomplishes the same thing as an antibacterial soap does – removing germs we may have picked up. Chemical agents such as triclosan are not only suspect for human health and unborn babies, but they also have an environmental impact, by affecting aquatic life in streams and rivers, and has the potential to end up in our drinking water. Sticking with plain soap and water will go a long way to help preserve the health of all of us, and our environment.

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